Let us explain the Ising model, which is one of the simple models that can mathematically express the paramagnetism and ferromagnetic phase transition of ferromagnetic materials. In the Ising model, the spins which handle two different numbers of ±1 are arranged spatially. When aligned spins interact with each other, the interaction is determined depending on the value of each spin.
For example, assume that only two different adjacent spins interact. If an interaction (ferromagnetic interaction) is given in which the energy decreases when the two spins take the same value, then a disordered phase (ferromagnetic state) arise in which all spins have the same value at absolute zero. However, at high temperatures, it becomes a disordered phase (paramagnetic state) in which each of the all spins takes independently different values.
The phenomenon of switching between an ordered phase and a disordered phase at a certain temperature is called a finite temperature phase transition. Furthermore, if the sign and magnitude of the interaction are randomized for each spin pair, it becomes difficult to even find the absolute zero state (the ground state). Due to its property, there may appear a spin glass state in which the thermal relaxation time is extremely long. It becomes difficult to solve the spin states even by numerical calculation.